Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate: Meaning, Importance & Calculation  

Every eCommerce business wants traffic to its website, and in the best case, traffic leads to actions such as a purchase or user registration. This conversion is a good measure of how your site is performing and how it can attract your customers. Learn everything you need to know about conversion rate.

What is Conversion Rate? 

Conversion Rate (also known as CVR) is the number of visitors to a website in relation to the number of desired actions (conversions). For example, if 10 out of 1,000 visitors purchase a product, the conversion rate is 1%. It is typically measured by web analytics systems such as Google Analytics. The conversion rate evaluates what happens when users are on your site and is influenced by several factors, including web design, visitor source, pricing strategy, market conditions, and competition.

Why is the Conversion Rate Important? 

There are several reasons why you should keep track of your conversion rate. Let us look at some of the reasons:

  1. Common Website Goals: Depending on your business objectives, a "conversion" can encompass a wide range of actions. Here are some common types of conversions:
    • Making a product purchase.
    • Completing a form (contact form, lead generation form, etc.).
    • Making a phone call.
    • Subscribing to a newsletter.
    • Website registration.
    • Downloading something (whitepaper, eBook, app, etc.).
    • Providing a rating.
  2. Micro Conversions: In addition to major conversions, you can also measure micro conversions. These are smaller actions such as clicking a link, watching a video, scrolling in a particular area, or other secondary actions that may not directly generate revenue but contribute to user engagement. These smaller actions are often critical for user experience (UX) analysis to improve smaller design elements.
  3. Enhancing User Experience: Tracking these smaller actions can be useful for UX-oriented website analysis, focusing on improving small design elements to improve the overall user experience.
  4. Importance of Tracking Multiple Goals: It is important to track as many relevant goals on your site as possible. This comprehensive tracking approach provides a better understanding of your site's users and their interactions, which helps you make informed decisions about improvements and optimizations.

How to Calculate the Conversion Rate? 

To calculate your conversion rate, you need to analyze your website metrics. With Google Analytics, you can access your website's statistics and easily determine how often your website or landing page was visited and how many of your desired goals were achieved. You can customize these conversion goals in Analytics by setting up macro goals, such as a purchase, or micro goals, such as a click on a specific button. The definition of a conversion is entirely up to you and your goals.

The formula for calculating the Conversion Rate is as follows:

Number of Conversions / Number of Visits x 100 = Conversion Rate

However, the Visits metric has a drawback: it describes the total number of page views on a site but includes visits from bots. In addition, visits count each page view within a day separately. If a visitor visits your landing pages twice in one day, they will be counted twice.

Unique visitors address this problem. With this metric, each person is counted as a unique visitor based on their IP address for a given time, even if they visited the site multiple times during that period. Instead of visits, you can also use clicks, depending on your conversion tracking goal. If you use Google Ads, you can also automatically calculate the conversion rate for a created ad campaign.

How to Optimize the Conversion Rate 

  1. Understand the Inbound Sales Funnel: Break down your conversion goals across the entire inbound sales funnel. Recognize that conversions occur at various stages, especially in B2B where prospects go through distinct stages before becoming customers. Tailor your strategy to provide value at each touchpoint and guide visitors down the funnel through meaningful conversions.
  2. Effective Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Implement a successful conversion rate optimization (CRO) strategy by following these tips:
    • Generate Traffic: Use SEO practices to improve rankings and gain organic clicks. Paid methods such as display, and search engine advertising (SEA) can also drive traffic quickly. Leverage social media channels to build brand awareness.
    • Use Lead Magnets and Calls-to-Action (CTAs): Use user-centric content, such as whitepapers or eBooks, as lead magnets to convert users into marketing-qualified leads. Ensure that CTAs are compelling, well-placed, and visually prominent to encourage user engagement.
    • Seamless User Experience: Optimize the user experience, especially in online stores, by focusing on usability throughout the customer journey. Eliminate potential barriers to shopping cart abandonment by emphasizing features such as easy navigation, clear calls to action, and secure payment options.
    • Mobile Optimization: With more and more people accessing websites on smartphones, make sure your site and purchase process are mobile optimized for a better user experience.
    • Track User Behavior: Implement tracking methods such as eye tracking and heatmaps to understand how visitors interact with your site. Continuously analyze and optimize elements based on user behavior to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

While uncontrollable factors may influence visitors' decisions, taking these actions on your site and channels can have a significant positive impact on conversion rates. Evaluate and refine your approach regularly for continuous improvement.

Conversion Rate: Key Takeaways 

  • Conversion rate (CVR) is a key metric that measures the ratio of website visitors to desired actions. Calculated as the number of conversions divided by the number of visits multiplied by 100, it reflects user engagement and success in achieving goals. Despite the limitations of the "visits" metric, solutions such as unique visitors and click tracking provide more accurate insights into user interactions.
  • Conversion rate is critical to evaluating user behavior and achieving business goals. Tracking various conversion goals, from product purchases to micro-conversions such as clicks and video views, provides a comprehensive understanding of user interactions. A focus on UX-oriented analysis ensures continuous improvement of design elements and the overall user experience.
  • Effective conversion rate optimization (CRO) involves understanding the inbound sales funnel and tailoring strategies to guide visitors through meaningful conversions. Strategies such as generating traffic through SEO, using lead magnets, ensuring a seamless user experience, and mobile optimization all contribute to improved conversion rates. Continuously tracking user behavior through methods such as eye tracking and heatmaps allows for ongoing analysis and optimization, leading to improvements in site elements and overall performance.